Along with the rest of the nation, I’ve been watching and enjoying Glee. And as a card-carrying lifetime member of the band geek club, it’s been bringing up all those lovely memories of the popular kids vs. the geeks “battles” that went on ~ most of you probably had some experience, whatever side you were […]
Tag: popularity
The Desire of Pleasing
Have you ever met anyone who must constantly please people? Someone who hates confrontation and likes to obey the rules? Well, you’re talking to her. I can’t help myself. All of my friends like to make fun of me, and yes, I know I’ve got a problem. I guess it’s just my good upbringing and […]
Unstick Me From Seventeen
Q Dear Miss Abigail: I am seventeen years old and have hardly no experience with other kids my age. I am a girl but I feel so unfeminine and not pretty. It ruins everything when you’re stuck like this. What should I do? Signed, Lolita A Dear Lolita: Wow, Abigail, is that you? Oh, sorry, […]
“Don’ts” Every Girl Should Know
Reading Cosmo (once a sick vacation pleasure of mine) and those Rules books inspired presentation of this excerpt. Here are some older “rules” ~ or in this case “don’ts” ~ from Dorothy Dix’s How to Win and Hold a Husband (1939). I chose the most entertaining from a somewhat longer list. Are you taking notes? You will be […]
First Valentine to the Boy Wins!
Q Dear Miss Abigail: Please help! There is this girl that I know who likes this boy that I also like. This Valentine’s Day I’m getting ready to tell him in his Valentine this, “I like you, will you be my Valentine?” Should I or should I not? I want to get my Valentine to […]