It might just be the weather, but I think that love is in the air! We are all searching for it . . . 1923: Ideal Love Being in love is merely a physical state of exaltation; loving is the merging of the spirit which at its white heat has glorified the physical instinct for re-creating into […]
Tag: love
I turn to our dear friends Professor B. G. Jefferis and J. L. Nichols and their Search Lights on Health for this love-filled excerpt about love. You know you want it. 1911: Love Love Blends Young Hearts. ~ Love blends young hearts in blissful unity, and, for the time, so ignores past ties and affections, as […]
Man ~ The Ungrown
In 1911, author Edward Carpenter wrote in a prefatory note to his book Love’s Coming of Age: When I first wrote this book some fifteen years ago, if was refused in succession by five or six well-known London publishers; and ultimately I had to print it at my own expense. Such was the taboo then prevailing […]
I originally posted this one back in the dawn of the year 2000. At that time, I thought it would be fun to bring in the new year with advice from the turning of the last century. Unfortunately I don’t seem to have have any books from 1900, but Her Royal Highness Woman and His Majesty Cupid […]
Man Versus Woman in Love
I just can’t pass by the Hallmark- and FTD-sponsored holiday without saying a bit about love. So here are some appropriate thoughts (besides the sneering comment near the end ~ I’m not sure what that’s about!) for you from Max O’Rell’s wonderfully titled book Her Royal Highness Woman and His Majesty Cupid. Happy Valentine’s Day, all. […]
Practical Aspects of Chastity
This week I was going to feature some words on the joys of petting, but I have had a sudden change of heart. My selection comes from a chapter entitled “Dangers of Petting” found in a book called Secrets of Love and Marriage. 1939: Practical Aspects of Chastity [T]here is another matter to consider, since we […]
I Think My Crush is Using Me
Q Dear Miss Abigail: I recently went to this party. My crush asked me to dance and we then sat alone together for a little while. Then he asked me if I wanted to go make-out. I said no because I wasn’t sure if he was using me or not. Was he? Signed, Sarah A […]
Courtship: Immediate Attraction
I must admit, I am drawn to the brutal honesty of this selection, and how quickly the authors ~ Esther Tietz and Charles Weichert ~ smash all hopes of love at first site. Makes me feel so…what’s the word… oh, I’ve got it ~ depressed. Or maybe not. Maybe everything will work out just fine […]
Will I Ever Find Mr. Perfect?
Q Dear Miss Abigail: Will I ever find my Mr. Perfect? Signed, Zeenat A Dear Zeenat: This reminds me of that song ~ “Looking for love in all the wrong places; looking for love in too many places; la la la…” ~ sorry, where was I going with that? Oh, yes. Mr. Perfect. Well, according […]
Young Love. I’m Talking Really Young.
Q Dear Miss Abigail: I am in fifth grade and I have had a crush on someone ever since third grade. I can’t tell him how I feel. I tried once but he didn’t say anything (probably because he didn’t hear me). This guy is the most popular guy in the whole class. HELP!!! Signed, […]