A skinny third row down on my first bookcase demands that I stack them horizontally. The books this week are mostly health and some sex-related titles, including a book on stammering, one printed in Norwegian (from our last-summer adventures to BookTown), and a possibly self-published book from 1947, printed in Baltimore and signed by the […]
Book Inventory: Shelf 1, Row 2, in which I discover I file badly
I’m only on shelf one, row two, and I realize that I have sex books for kids mixed in with physical education textbooks, and other health books. Woops. I guess I should reorganize as I go, but eh, that’s not within scope of the project. 🙂 I also (re)discovered that I have a book from 1782 in […]
2015 Inventory of Collections: Shelf 1, Row 1: Health
Over the years I’ve done a so-so job of tracking which books are in my collection, from a long-ago database on my old Mac, to my website bibliography, and an ultimate move to Librarything.com which has been great and so much easier, but I’ve never managed to get all of my titles loaded. So for […]

Sears Discovery Course: Chapter on Manners (1972)
There’s been renewed interest lately from readers of this site in the Sears Discovery Charm School courses that were available in the 1960s and 1970s; I’ve written about this before on the site, which is likely leading searchers to find their way to Miss Abigail. A fan and attendee of the course recently wrote to say she […]
Antique Vibrator Collection
Miss Abigail has a little thing, I guess you could say, about antique vibrators. Don’t get any wild ideas ~ it’s nothing dirty (not that there’s anything wrong with that!) ~ I just love the packaging on those old boxes, trying so carefully to talk about the health benefits of use and the calming effect their […]
Happy Valentines Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day, my friends! I thought I’d share with you some recent finds from a shopping trip I took in Austin, Texas, with my budding antique-loving 10 year old niece, Olivia. We had a grand day shopping at Uncommon Objects. She scored a great mechanical pencil and a cute little painted wooden bug, plus […]
Happy 2013!
Happy New Year everyone! I’ve been bringing in the New Year by cleaning up my office, straightening my bookshelves and weeding out some duplicate copies of books. I plan to do some giveaways over the next few months to pass the extra copies along to others who might enjoy. Stay tuned here and on my […]
Recent Acquisitions
There have been some recent acquisitions to Miss Abigail’s collection to tell you about. This summer, while on I paid way too much for a book I couldn’t resist – it is titled: Manual of Health for Women: Plain advice in sickness and health (1906). Just look at this cover! It is “respectfully dedicated to the […]
Takoma Park (MD) Authors’ Book Sale
This Saturday, December 1, 2012, I’ll be signing and selling books at the 4th Annual Takoma Park Authors’ Book Sale. Details are below: ~~~~ Come meet Takoma Park authors, who will be selling and signing their books. There will be a great selection – and books make great holiday gifts! 4th ANNUAL TAKOMA PARK AUTHORS BOOK […]
Apparently I’ve Been Channeling My Grandmother All These Years
A few months ago, my mother uncovered a college paper that my Grandmother Bailey (her mother) had written when she was at Oberlin College. She saw that the topic was right up my alley, so sent it along to me. The paper is titled “Building Healthy Sex Knowledge” and was written for a child development […]