My mother and stepdad are downsizing and moving, and that’s led me to inherit some lovely family heirlooms in recent weeks. One of my favorites is a beautiful chocolate pot and matching cups and saucers. There’s no markings on it so we can’t tell who made it, but it was a wedding gift to one […]
Category: Featured Item

Miss Abigail Gets a New Outfit
Hello visitors, today I launch a new WordPress theme for — I was ready for a fresh look, a more up-to-date theme, and a simplified structure for the site to make it easier to maintain. Please bear with me as I iron out kinks and fix some of the older pages and posts to […]

Foods Men Like, and Other Musings
It’s been awhile but I thought I owed you a little update from Miss Abigail. I’m still here. As you may have noticed, I don’t update this much any longer but the archives are all still here for your perusal and enjoyment! Check out the topics on the right or do a search for a […]

1928: Don’t Pull Anyone Else Down to Advance Yourself
I got to thinking this morning that this guidance from 1928’s What a Young Man Ought to Know might be a helpful reminder right now. We seem to have lost some of this common sense in recent times. Keep cool, everyone!

Sears Discovery Course: Chapter on Manners (1972)
There’s been renewed interest lately from readers of this site in the Sears Discovery Charm School courses that were available in the 1960s and 1970s; I’ve written about this before on the site, which is likely leading searchers to find their way to Miss Abigail. A fan and attendee of the course recently wrote to say she […]