To whet my reader’s continued appetite for excerpts from my copy of the Sears Discover Charm School book, I’ve scanned in this “fun with graphic design” page from the notebook’s section on Fashion. You’ll have to wait a bit for more from this section; I’ve been so busy and am I’m headed out of the […]
Author: MissAbigail
Swimming in the Steno Pool
Everyone should run right out (or get yourself to your favorite online bookseller) to order my friend Lynn Peril’s new book Swimming in the Steno Pool: A Retro Guide to Making It in the Office. Mine just arrived in the mail and I can’t wait to dive into the steno pool! Lynn’s a fellow advice-book-collector and […]
Book Talk and Signing in Baltimore this Saturday
Just a reminder that I’ll be doing a book talk and signing at the Enoch Pratt Light Street Branch, 1251 Light Street, Baltimore, Maryland, at 3:00 pm this Saturday, April 16th. From the blurb: “Learn how a thrift-store purchase and part-time hobby led to a column in the London Times, the publication of her book, and […]
Stone Ridge Book Sale this weekend!
In previous years, I’ve picked up some good used book finds at the Stone Ridge Book Sale. The event returns this weekend, in Bethesda, Maryland. That Monday $10 a bag sale is particularly enticing ~ if the government ends up furloughing this weekend I’ll have some extra time on my hands, anyway!
Invitation for a Drive (1891)
I’ve got this pretty beat up book from 1891 called The Business Manual; A Complete Guide in all Mercantile and Legal Transactions and Reference Book for Every Day Use (well used during it’s time, I presume). It covers a wide variety of topics, from how to measure coal, to how to make an ice chest. […]
How to Cure Chapped Lips (1916)
Wondering how to cure chapped lips? Instructions from a 1916 book by Professor T. W. Shannon: ~~ Take 2 ounces of white wax, I ounce of spermaceti, 4 ounces of oil of almonds, 2 ounces of honey, 1/4 of an ounce of essence of bergamot, or any other scent. Melt the wax and spermaceti; then […]
Country vs. City Kids (1891)
“It cannot be claimed that children brought up in the country are better morally than those brought up in the cities. Evil exists in both places, and much of it cannot be kept from the knowledge of the young. It is seen in the city stripped of its glamour, and with its degrading effects more […]
Shopping for Books the Old Fashioned Way
“Sixth Thousand Now Ready!” “An Important Book for the Family and School!” “An Attractive and Useful Gift” read the ad, found in the back of the 1894 printing of The Physician’s Wife, which I recently I picked up in Baltimore. How could I not be intrigued? Ads often appear in the back of some of my […]
Recent Acquisitions
Last weekend I visited a favorite Baltimore spot: The Book Thing, mostly so I could drop off a donation of 5 boxes of books. I came home with only 7 books in return, which isn’t so bad given that all the books there are free and you are encouraged to take a lot home with […]
Permit of Freedom
My dear sweet husband made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies today, and it’s the anniversary of the week of our first date (I know, sappy!), so I hereby dedicate this special Lover’s Fun Card to him.