My mother and stepdad are downsizing and moving, and that’s led me to inherit some lovely family heirlooms in recent weeks. One of my favorites is a beautiful chocolate pot and matching cups and saucers. There’s no markings on it so we can’t tell who made it, but it was a wedding gift to one […]
Author: MissAbigail

Miss Abigail Gets a New Outfit
Hello visitors, today I launch a new WordPress theme for — I was ready for a fresh look, a more up-to-date theme, and a simplified structure for the site to make it easier to maintain. Please bear with me as I iron out kinks and fix some of the older pages and posts to […]

Foods Men Like, and Other Musings
It’s been awhile but I thought I owed you a little update from Miss Abigail. I’m still here. As you may have noticed, I don’t update this much any longer but the archives are all still here for your perusal and enjoyment! Check out the topics on the right or do a search for a […]

1928: Don’t Pull Anyone Else Down to Advance Yourself
I got to thinking this morning that this guidance from 1928’s What a Young Man Ought to Know might be a helpful reminder right now. We seem to have lost some of this common sense in recent times. Keep cool, everyone!
1891: Learning Something from All
I strive to live by this advice from Richard Wells each day ~ even though it seems harder and harder sometimes to do so! We must all try, as much as we can.
Wearing the Mask of Pretense, 1941
Here’s a good quote regarding “wearing the mask of pretense” from Lillian Eichler’s 1941 The New Book of Etiquette. I thought it might come in handy right now!
Affirming a Fact (1891)
Some advice from Richard A. Wells, Manners, Culture and Dress, 1891, on affirming facts.
Coming out of the Woodwork: Should We Follow the Leader?
I’ve decided to come out of semi-retirement, which is otherwise known as “I’ve been too lazy to update my website and social media channels” (at least for the time being) because the state of our dear United States of America has been so distressing to me. If you spend any time on Twitter, which I […]
Book Inventory Row 4: Caring for Your Hair and Eyes (and other parts)
This entry in the “what’s on my bookshelf” includes more health and fitness books, including some related to caring for your hair and eyes, a few Red Cross guidebooks, and a Christian fitness book. And for some reason the Sears Discovery Charm school binder sits on this shelf. I think it belongs elsewhere, but I […]
Sears Charm School Binder Available!
A message to all of the Sears Charm School attendees desperate to find a copy of the binder: Anne wrote to say that her school is doing a fundraiser for their library and auctioning off a Sears Charm School binder on eBay. “This was donated by one of our patrons, and the money raised from […]