Q Dear Miss Abigail:
Where can I find directions for sex?
A Dear Eddie:
Step one: Find and woo partner. Step two: Get hitched (you remember, only married people have sex). Step three: Get naked. Step four: Read something like C. B. Evans’s Man and Woman in Marriage ~ “a sound, comprehensive statement of normal sex problems and sex relations . . . a detailed exposition of the perfect expression of physical love” (see below for a sampling). Step five: Get it on.
1931: Intercourse
In looking back over the history of sex in marriage, one discovers that, from time to time, there have been changes in the fashion of having intercourse. To-day we have quite generally adopted a particular variety of the prone position which was not the vogue centuries ago. It is difficult to analyze the forces which have swayed whole nations into the popular belief that any particular method was the only correct or proper one.
A position should be selected which will be perfect for both man and wife. It cannot be expected that any one method will prove satisfactory to both. A man can buy a ready-made suit that will fit himself; a woman, a ready-made dress that will meet her requirements. How many can buy a ready-made garment, for instance, pyjamas, that will fit them both? A married couple should make-to-order their own particular position, building it upon definite principles, with the end in view of making it as satisfactory to one as to the other.
Source: Evans, C. B. S. Man and Woman in Marriage. Chicago: Bruce-Roberts, 1931.
~ pp. 104-5 ~